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Building Compliance

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LCE specializes in consulting building owners in Los Angeles, San Francisco, Berkeley, Brisbane, San Diego, and San Jose comply with local building ordinances and avoid paying fines for non-compliance. This includes helping you comply or identify if you are exempt from reporting. Depending on your city's ordinance, certain building owners are required to report energy & water usage annually as well perform an energy audit every 5 years or face fines and penalties.

By having LCE as your energy partner, you will gain the peace of mind that you are compiled and not paying any unnecessary fine. Throughout our energy audits, we identify areas of improvements and offer solutions with ROI’s both financially and sustainably.

Our energy auditing capabilities include:

-Ensuring Compliance

-ASHRAE Energy Audit


-LEED Certification

-Energy Modeling

Take advantage of our knowledge in the building operational improvement and compliance business.

We offer free consultation of the various services and energy engineering needs your building can utilize and must comply with. Depending on your unique circumstance, we will design a tailored suite of services that bring your building into local compliance laws and operate as optimally as possible for years. Our free consultation can identify several opportunities that may have been overlooked and could uncover rebates and tax credits for your business.

Step 1: Create an account for your building

Step 2: Obtain and input energy data

Step 3: Submit the benchmarking report data

We offer our services throughout California

  • We manage annual compliance requirements for our Client's account
  • We keep our Client's well informed to avoid potential Compliance fees
  • We keep our Client's in compliance with EBEWE by Providing Annual building Benchmark Reports to EBEWE
Map Data @ Google 2023

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